CrossCarry - Analysis of Data from a Crossover Design with GEE
Analyze data from a crossover design using generalized
estimation equations (GEE), including carryover effects and
various correlation structures based on the Kronecker product.
It contains functions for semiparametric estimates of
carry-over effects in repeated measures and allows estimation
of complex carry-over effects. Related work includes: a) Cruz
N.A., Melo O.O., Martinez C.A. (2023). "CrossCarry: An R
package for the analysis of data from a crossover design with
GEE". <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2304.02440>. b) Cruz N.A., Melo O.O.,
Martinez C.A. (2023). "A correlation structure for the analysis
of Gaussian and non-Gaussian responses in crossover
experimental designs with repeated measures".
<doi:10.1007/s00362-022-01391-z> and c) Cruz N.A., Melo O.O.,
Martinez C.A. (2023). "Semiparametric generalized estimating
equations for repeated measurements in cross-over designs".